Short name: ARMSA

Country: Poland

Type of organisation: LEGAL PERSON

ARMSA – Mazovia Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A.)
ARMSA is the only share holding company of the Mazowieckie Voivodship Self-Government, which is widely responsible for the regional development of the Region. The Company’s activities are conducted in accordance with the main regional priorities and based on a rational and possibly fast decision-making process. The company’s activity is focused on supporting the dynamic development of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the following areas:
1. improvement of the voivodship’s information society;
2. economic promotion of the region;
3. development of human resources;
4. support for innovation;
5. support for urban development and revitalisation;
6. internationalization of economic entities from the region.
The mission of ARM S.A. is to create and support the economic and social development of Mazovia. The Agency – within the framework of implemented undertakings – supports the development of micro, small and medium enterprises and local government units. Urban Policy and Innovation Department (UPID) is one out of 5 departments, that support in the implementation and promotion of projects in the field of innovation, regeneration and smart specializations implemented in Mazovia Region.
The main expertise areas are:
1. Regional development and policies
2. Sustainable growth
3. Urban, rural and local growth
4. Smart specialisations
The Urban Policy and Innovation Department (UPID) is focused on development of regional potential to implement innovation solutions in numerous fields, especially in the line of Mazowieckie Voivodeship Development Strategy and Regional Innovation Strategy. Our goal is to participate in ambitious initiatives that focus on developing new policy instruments and good practices that can be implemented at local and regional level. If possible, we also share our experiences and knowledge that can support partners in improving theirs polices and activities.
Our team in experienced in policy making, analyses, technology transfer and innovation. Our local, regional, national and international relations are valuable resource that we implement during new initiatives and projects. In previous years UPID was involved in many international projects that were focused on revitalization, cluster policy, urban infrastructure and agriculture.