Short name: Agristudio

Country: Italy

Type of organisation: Private Company

Established in 1974, Agristudio Srl is an Italian consultancy company which specializes in the provision of consultancies, technical assistance and project management services for bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, governments and corporations in the following sectors: sustainable agriculture; integrated rural and social development; natural resources, environmental and territorial management; technical and socio-economic feasibility studies; training and extension; project design, monitoring and evaluation; production of thematic cartography, GIS elaborations and field surveys.
Agristudio Srl has over thirty years’ experience in the implementation, management and evaluation of international projects, which span all five continents and can be distributed over seventy countries. We are committed to ensure that our consulting services are implemented with focus on quality performance, reliability and professionalism thanks to a multidisciplinary team and the respect for local cultures.
Agristudio S.r.l is certified in compliance with the norms UNI EN ISO 9001:200 for the “planning, design and supply of technical assistance services in the following fields: agroforestry, environmental, zootechnics, rural development, territorial and naturalistic surveys”.