Short name: CDV

Country: Czech Republic

Type of organisation: public research institution

Transport Research Centre (CDV), Centrum dopravniho vyzkumu, v.v.i. in Czech, as a successor of the Czech departments of Transport Research Institute in Žilina, which was established in 1954, continues in its 65-year successful tradition in transport research. CDV is a public research institution, the only research institution in the sphere of the Czech Ministry of Transport.
CDV’s activities reflect its mission which is to perform research and development activities in specified transport areas, to provide independent expert and service support for ministries (particularly Ministry of Transport, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of the Environment), regional, urban and local bodies of the state and local administration for their strategic and tactical decision-making processes, to participate in technology transfer within transport sector, to represent the transport resort in international organizations and be active in the field of education, to provide expert and service activities for private sector.
There are 3 research divisions in CDV, i.e. Division of Sustainable Transport and Transport Structures Diagnostics, Division of Traffic Engineering, Safety and Strategies and Division of Transport Technologies and Human Factor. Research focus of those divisions covers the key needs of transport research and development such as: road safety; construction technology; maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of transport infrastructure, including geotechnical aspects and diagnostics of transport structures; impacts of transport on the environment; transport economy; multimodal transport; traffic psychology; traffic education; traffic demand modelling; management systems, geographic information systems; check-in and parking systems, telematic controlling systems, autonomous driving etc.
CDV has been intensively engaged in international cooperation. in whose frame CDV participates significantly in European research area development. CDV has been involved in tens various projects of international cooperation i.e. EU Framework Programmes, etc. and according to the rank of the most frequent Czech participants in FP6 and FP7, CDV belongs to the first ten of the best institutes from the Czech Republic involved in those the most important community programmes for support of research and technological development. CDV has been involved in a wide scope of international activities and became an integrated partner in European research community. It is also a member of many prestigious international professional associations.
Department of Transport and Environment, which has been established in the framework of Division of Sustainable Transport and Transport Structures Diagnostics, will be the main CDV´s department carrying out the work in the BISON project. The department and the team of experts that will be involved in the mentioned project:
• regularly demonstrate expertise in research in the field of the assessment of the impact of transport on the environment, including participation in national and international research projects as a principal investigator,
• use laboratories equipped with high technology instruments,
• realize studies with impact on national policy, etc.