Short name: MTES

Country: France

Type of organisation: Ministry

The French ministry for an ecological and inclusive transition defines and implements the national policy for infrastructure, transport, energy and the environment. It also co-develops, leads and evaluates policies pertaining to city planning, construction and housing. The ministry comprises several departments, among which are the Directorate General for infrastructure, transport and the sea (DGITM) and the Commission for sustainable development (CGDD). The latter directorates are notably in charge of:
• defining and implementing the national policy for land and maritime transport with regard to sustainable development (responding to the demand for mobility while reducing its environmental impact);
• managing the national road network, ensuring its reliability and safety, preparing intermodal planning for transport infrastructure;
• coordinating long term strategy, research policy and industrial policy making;
• ensuring a better integration of environmental issues in all public policies and projects.
The ministry also has the role of regulatory authority for some public establishments and companies, and has access to the expertise of technical units in its fields of competences both at the national and local levels.