Short name: STUBA

Country: Slovakia

Type of organisation: University (public)

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is a modern educational and scientific institution. STU is a public university and offers education mainly in technical, technological, technical-economical, technical-information and technical-artistic fields of study using the modern methods of education, laboratories and practical training.
SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence EU is Central European scientific and educational centre in the field of spatial planning. SPECTRA is well experience project partner dealing with the topic covering by the project not only in education and research but also in international practice. SPECTRA have own capacities and knowledge to support project activities at Carpathian and local level (pilot areas in Slovakia). SPECTRA successfully implemented or is implementing international project dealing with common topics (TransGREEN, ConnectGREEN, Alps-Carpathian bio corridor) and also experts from SPECTRA actively cooperates with government, ministries and municipalities, so we are able to cover mediation of project result with political and decision-making level in Slovakia to support their real effects in practice in Slovakia.
It is an experienced partner with high involvement in EU co-financed international projects in R&D, education and other transnational projects. Co-financing is possible at the level of the university.
SPECTRA is a founding partner of the Slovak Smart City Cluster, the biggest cluster of municipalities, universities and entrepreneurs dealing with topics of sustainable development.