Short name: TII

Country: Ireland

Type of organisation: Transport

Transport Infrastructure Ireland is the Irish public-sector body with overall responsibility for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance works on the Irish national road and light rail networks. TII was established in August 2015 with the merger of the Railway Procurement Agency and the National Roads Authority under the Roads Act 2015. TII’s primary functions are:
• To provide an integrated approach to the future development and operation of the national roads network and the light rail infrastructure network throughout Ireland, and
• To secure the provision of safe and efficient networks of national roads and light rail.
TII is responsible for:
• The Irish National Roads system: the primary and secondary road network in Ireland is 5,306km long and is made up of motorways (916km), dual carriageways (294km) and single lane roads (4,096km). Approximately 320km of the 916km motorway network is being operated by Public Private Partnerships. Other sections are managed by Motorway Maintenance and Renewal Contract operators. The National Road network carries approximately 45% of the country’s total road traffic and most of Ireland’s freight is distributed by road.
• Dublin’s Light Rail Transit system: the LUAS tram network is made up of two lines, the Luas Red Line 21km long and the Luas Green Line 22km long which interchange in Dublin city centre. The Luas network has 69 stops and a fleet of 73 trams. Luas customers have completed over 430 million passengers since passenger services started in 2004
TII’s remit extends to specifying standards and any training, research and testing activities necessary for the execution of its functions in areas of project planning, construction, maintenance and operations.
TII’s Statement of Strategy 2019-2023 sets out the strategic objectives and actions to which TII is committed for the period 2019 to 2023 against the backdrop of the TII’s remit under the Roads Act and Government priorities. The strategy is launched at a time of continuing economic recovery and growth with associated increasing demand for transport infrastructure and services and against the background of clear priorities as provided, in particular, by the Government’s National Development Plan. TII looks forward to meeting the challenges of consolidation, ensuring that the value of transport infrastructure and services in place is maintained and enhanced, and growth, ensuring the provision of more and better infrastructure and services.